Mr. Woodlea came with our new house. In fact, he is the reason that we moved in to this particular house, as his previous owners used to live here and had made him a nifty little cat-flap in the back of the house. On their departure from Juba for Canada, they needed new owners for Woodlea. We were pleased to step up as his new family!
Poor Woodlea has had a bit of a shock since we moved in!
I think he reigned as King of the Castle in a home with 2 doting adults and no children to compete with for attention. Now he has a noisy set of owners, where boisterous noise has replaced the ordered calm he had been accustomed to! He has been seeking refuge from the banter and action of family life, where 3 children clamour to play with him, stroke him and generally create a busy and noisier environment! This is where I found him this week, curled up in my wardrobe:
I got quite a fright when whiskers and a furry head appeared as I leaned into my cupboard to fetch my bag! Although he has the freedom to come and go as he likes from indoors to outdoors (unlike Moshi, who lived outdoors in Dodoma), I am not too keen on cats among my clothes, so we are trying to train him to stay downstairs! I am not sure this plan will work out! He seems reluctant to listen- in fact, he just wandered in to this upstairs room as I type this...!
Woodlea is good natured and we are enjoying him, although we are all learning to avoid the moments when he has a playful mood and darts out suddenly from under the furniture to attack us unexpectedly!
Esther asked me the other day if I like Moshi or Woodlea best of all. She still misses little Moshi -and the kittens she produced. It is certain that Woodlea will not be producing any of those! However, he is very cute! It is fun to have a cat in the family again for our new home.
P.S. we heard that Moshi was a big hit with the new Finnish family who moved into our Dodoma home :-) When they moved up to Arusha, we heard that they took Moshi with them, which is lovely to know!
I'm so pleased to hear about Moshi, wasn't she neutered in Dodoma? If so she won't be producing anymore kittens than Woodlea. I wonder what your answer if I were to ask you which of our pussies you liked best, Paddy, Sooty, Jimbo, Gustavas. Socky or Pussynebs? At a guess I might suggest Jimbo ? x nana