One of the off-putting factors is that the driving here is on the right-hand ("wrong"!!) side of the road:
This means that I would have to get used to sitting on what would feel to me like the "wrong" side of the car:
We also had dusty roads just like this one here in Juba, where sand and dust fly up from under the wheels to obliterate the vehicles in front:
There are also lots of roundabouts in Juba- I would need serious training to remember to go around them in the correct direction!
The type of traffic here also scares me. There are large trucks, lots of shiny 4x4s, military and UN land-rovers and lorries- plenty of larger vehicles like this one, to fight for space with on the bumpy roads and tracks:
We also witnessed a motorbike going "CRASH!" into the back of a 4x4 truck, with the driver dramatically flying off his seat and being propelled through the air until, thankfully, he landed on the road, sat up and looked dazed, but OK. I hear that the incidence of such crashes is extremely high.
And, as a foreigner here, if I was involved in such an accident, I would be instantly considered guilty unless I could be proven 100% to be the innocent party. Apparently, the view here is that locals have much to gain financially from crashing into "rich" foreigners. Plus, there is so much corruption that it would be very, very unfortunate for me to be involved in a road accident. Alot of hassle and trouble could ensue. This makes me extra nervous to get out and try my hand at right-hand driving in a city which does not exactly provide a gentle learning ground!
So, for now, I think I will stick with being a passenger and a back-seat driver; if I do become braver, I will be sure to blog about that at a later date! Incidentally, I seem to have lost my South Sudanese driver's licence, which is the only licence you are allowed to drive with in South Sudan. I just can't find it anywhere! But maybe that is fortuitous for now!!
Liz, those driving conditions do sound very daunting! I was kind of nervous during the driving I had to do in order to get my license here in New York, as it also involves driving on the right hand side of the road, but does not have all the other challenges you face! One point possibly worth noting regarding driving on the right, is that I find that because of the fact that you sit on the left it actually makes it feel more 'normal' to drive on the right, then if you were sitting on the right and driving on the right. That said, you still have a whole lot of other challenges that would make getting used to it rather tricky. If you do decide to try it, then I wish you all the best with it. Tim
ReplyDeleteI would definitely avoid driving after reading all that you've described!!! Although, that said, you never cease to amaze me with the challenges you are willing to take on, so I'm sure in time you'll feel ready to have a go. Good luck, Love Wend x