Saturday, 21 November 2015

New Aeroplane

Last Saturday, we had a special celebration to mark the arrival of a new aeroplane in the South Sudan fleet.

This smaller plane is the "182" (for technical details, you will have to contact Andrew, since my knowledge of aeroplanes is still sketchy, even after 6 years with MAF!).

As far as I understand, it has 4 seats and is therefore more cost-efficient for any partners who may not need the larger 14-seater caravan plane, which is the plane Andrew normally flies. 

As a team, many of us went to Juba airport, to dedicate this plane:  

Our Programme Manager, Bastiaan, started by saying a few words, highlighting the significance of this new plane for the work we do in South Sudan. It was only 10:30 in the morning, but it was already very hot, so  you can see us here sheltering under the shadow of the larger MAF caravan! There was a caravan parked either side of the smaller 182.

Next, we gathered for a short time of prayer to dedicate this plane- to pray that it will be well used to bring hope and blessing to the people of this country:

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