A few days at the coast, where we fitted in time for bumpy camel rides:
... burying noisy boys in the white sands of the Malindi coastline:
.... meeting new friends:
... borrowing a spade from locals to build a fabulous sand-mound:
....enjoying cups of tea and pancakes (smothered in chocolate sauce!!) at 4pm each afternoon:
We also made time for a 4-hour road trip out of Nairobi, to visit St. Andrew's School in Turi.
It was so good to be back on the road and have a family road trip!
Long road trips were a regular part of our family life in Tanzania, but since being in South Sudan, the only way to get out of Juba is on a plane... It is not safe enough to drive out of the main city to take a trip with our young children across this war-torn, damaged land where guns are wide-spread and roadside crime is a very real threat. So we enjoyed what has become a novelty and had a great trip. The children counted all the animals en route, enjoying road-side sightings of zebra, camels, flamingos, baboons and many, many goats, cows and sheep!
Here is our lunch stop, looking over towards Kenya's Mount Longonot:
The weather in Turi and in Nairobi was much colder than at the coast and MUCH colder than Juba! Log fires were a wonderful bonus on this trip!
So were woollen blankets, when reading a book or munching on a early morning bowl of cereal!
When we are in Juba, Andrew's flying schedule is busy, busy, busy, not to mention all the computer work he has to keep on top of, so it is always fun when he has a bit of spare time. On this R and R, Andrew set up a "spider's web" for the children to play games, like posting each other through without touching the rope!
Here comes Esther...
...and Joel...
The highlight of this R and R was having time to catch up with special friends in Kenya. In Turi and in Nairobi we enjoyed spending time and sharing meals with people we don't often have the opportunity to see- including wonderful friends from Dodoma, who happened to be passing by Nairobi on a trip to match up with us. It was fantastic to catch up!
Looks like a fantastic trip. I love the photos, especially the camel rides. A well deserved break for you all. Love Wend xx