Friday 19 December 2014

My African Birthday Boy

Born in South Africa, where he also celebrated his first birthday, Ben then celebrated his third, fourth, fifth and sixth birthdays in Tanzania.
And now my African boy has just had his seventh birthday- in South Sudan.

Together with seven other MAF kids (4 of whom are here only temporarily), plus Esther and Ben, we had lots of fun celebrating Ben's seven years!

Ben chose a Space Theme for his party.
The fun blasted off with some Space craft activities, followed an egg-drop challenge (lots of fun! for more info, see, then some space games like "stick the fire on the blasting-off rocket", alien chase... and of course, a birthday tea.
It was all rounded off with a rocket birthday cake and party bags (with contents sourced from Nairobi shops!).

Egg-drop Challenge:

Aunty Susan (who cares for some of the MAF kids and works as house-help for a MAF family here), joins in the fun as she attempts to place the fire at the rocket's base:
Getting ready for birthday tea- and it was amazing how useful Ben's bed-sheet proved to be as it doubled up as a table cloth, perfect for his theme!


  1. Happy BEN, what fun and clever mum. Having read your other blog it was hard to look at Susan so enjoying herself here x nana

  2. Glad to see Ben had a good Birthday, I did give thanks in prayer for him on his birthday.
    Like Nana sad to see Susan knowing what was ahead, A x

  3. Looks like another yummy 😋 cake 🎂 made by mum. Happy birthday Ben.


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