Wednesday 10 February 2016

Birthday Boy

Andrew celebrated another year last week!

We celebrated as a family with a take-away Ethiopian meal. Eaten with our hands, it was a win-win meal. The children LOVE to eat with their hands -and I love not having to wash up cutlery!

I had not had time to make a cake, but Esther and I made one of Andrew's favourite desserts- a very English rice pudding! Since this was especially for Andrew, we popped the birthday candles into the pudding (but only after some of it had already been sampled!).

Happy Birthday, Andrew!


  1. Andrew sorry I couldn't get some profiteroles to you for your birthday ��

  2. Looks like you had Happy Birthday Andrew. We thought of you as we celebrated, Gillan, ian and David's birthdays. X

  3. Happy (belated) birthday Andrew. We hope you had a good day - that food certainly looks lovely ��. We hope that you are all doing well - we think of you often. Love from the Birkdale Benges


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